of sonic thinking
Methodologies of Sonic Thinking was a two day conference coorganized by the Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy in Prague, GCAR - project called Phenomenological Investigations of Sonic Environments and was hosted by the University of Jan Evangelista Purkyne.
The main goal of this conference was to provide a space for transdisciplinary discussions of various approaches to description and exploration of sonic environments. Its concept relates to discussions that have already been started a few decades ago in the area of acoustic ecology and sound studies which developed into the broad and rich field of contemporary sonic research.
The conference seeked to explore the crossroads of biological, natural, social, cultural, political, and personal layers of sonic environments that we are part of and that we at the same time create in our active shaping of the world.
We implemented this discussion with a vision to reside in the analyses of the complex composition and varied phenomenologies of interrelated sonic environments from multiple cooperating disciplinary perspectives.
Summary of the lectures :
Bernd Herzogenrath
(Goethe-University, Frankfurt a. M.)
Fan-(oh man!)-o-logics:
towards a Practical Aesthetics
Jim Igor Kallenberg
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Deaf Non-listening:
Critique of the Ideal Listener and the Real Listener
Will Schrimshaw (Edge Hill University)
Thinking about Sound:
A Critique of Sonic Epistemology
Martin Nitsche (Institute of Philosophy,
Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
Phenomenological Topology of Sonic Environments
Vojtěch Výravský (Charles University,
Want to Catch the Northern Wind.
About Listening to the World
Matthew McGinity (Immersive Experience Lab,
Technical University Dresden)
The Phenomenology of Sonic Presence
Yichen Wang (Research School of Computer Science,
The Australian National University)
Sonic Sculptural Staircase in Augmented Reality
Ivan Gutierrez (Institute of Philosophy,
Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
Technologically Mediated Auditory
Experience – Split Horizons
Louisa Collenberg (Goethe-University, Frankfurt a. M.)
Rhythmic Encounters in Interspecies Improvisation
Vít Pokorný (Institute of Philosophy,
Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
Rhythm as a Biodynamic Principle
Miloš Vojtěchovský (Film and TV School of
Academy of Performing Arts in Prague - FAMU)
Prick Your Ears - Urban and Rural Mapping by Sound
Jiří Zelenka (Institute of Philosophy,
Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
Echoes of Music We Don’t Listen to.
Phenomenological Investigation of Sonic
Environments of Contemporary Marketplaces
József Iszlai (Partium Christian University in Oradea)
Sound and the Ecology of Fear
Luca Soudant (independent scholar, Netherlands)
Sonic Manspreading: An Artistic Research Concept
Irena Carkovova, Jan Krombholz
(Purkyne University, Usti nad Labem) -
Sonic Ecology as a Cross-Sectional Topic in Art Education
Polina Khatsenka (Purkyne University, Usti nad Labem)
Artistic Research of Aspects and Potentialities
of Spatial Audio Systems Application in Context
of Gallery Installation and Audio Performance
Barry Wan (Purkyne University, Usti nad Labem)
Embedding Electroacoustic Sound and
Acoustic Instrument(S)
Series of events focused on facilitating the fusion sound designer electronic scene based in Ústí nad Labem and presenting the author ́s work. It was based on the format of a sound groundwork played to a film created in real time.
Spectators could anticipate immersive ambient textures interspersed with elements of noise, and dynamic live sound design executed by contemporary artists from Ústí nad Labem. This exceptional experience was set amidst the inviting ambiance of Čajovna U vysmátý žáby.
- Performers: Aot37, Title (Pathfinder Music), Dataphase, mʊdʌki (phonon~crew) and Godliness. Accompanying film: La Planete Sauvage (René Laloux, 1973)
- Performers: Aot37, Dataphase, Bohorovnost, Jan krtička Accompanying film: (animated) The Pied Piper produced by the studio of Jiří Trnka (1985)
- The event was held in conjunction with a commented tour of the exhibition I Have No Time by the Time-Based Media Studio of Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. Performative series consisting of audiovisual performances based on original sound interactions with selected works from the digital archive of Steina and Woody Vasulka. Performers: Vojtěch Groot, Jindřich Jandečka, Polina Khatsenka, Jan Krombholz, Karolína Hruboňová
MURMURANS MUNDUS : Sonic Ecology and Beyond