Ladislav Železný (|_ |) |\|) will present the premiere of a hybrid DJ set with frigmetal commentary on a stream of sound imprinted in a vinyl groove, serving as a paraphrase for the spread of signal in the context of radio. An acousmatic montage of different layers of original radiophonic compositions, which were commissioned in the past for the project R{A}DIO{CUSTICA} at Czech Radio.
Ladislav Železný is a lover of sound and listening. He engages with various forms of acoustic art and works as a dramaturge at Czech Radio, focusing on unconventional music and experimental radio compositions. As one of the key figures, he participated in the broadcasting of radio Lemurie TAZ, which is associated with the early days of the experimental space ROXY/NoD. His radio-related projects and compositions have won numerous awards in the Czech Republic and Europe. He collaborates with the theatre group Boca Loca Lab. As a non-cello player, he promotes the technique of Left Hand Universe.