





ambisonic summer school ‘23

The primary aim of the project was to address the lack of accessible spaces and institutions in the Czech Republic for practical work with surround sound, particularly in the Ambisonics format. It was seeking to create opportunities for artists without privileged access to specialised universities or academic research, fostering collaboration with Central European institutions dedicated to spatial sound research.

The second objective of the project was to connect several Central European institutions dedicated to research and active work in this field. The invited lecturers have many years of experience in education and practice with new media, including spatial sound, and each of them is part of an institution dedicated to the research in this field.


Partners include OTTOsonics, TAMLAB, ZiMMT, and SVITAVA, each offering unique contributions to the project. Through a residency program, selected artists participated in workshops, lectures, and created electroacoustic compositions for a multichannel audio system.

The project culminated in a public performance showcasing the works created during the residency. Educational workshops and lectures were open to the public, covering various aspects of working with spatial sound. The project aim was to promote cultural exchange and development in the Ústí region while enhancing the visibility of avant-garde music and sound art.

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